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Turkey Dinner

Andover United Methodist Church - South Central - Great Plains Conference - Wichita East (GP)
12/1/2016 views(456)

The Turkey Dinner and Scholarship Basket Auction was a success again this year. We served 303 people a wonderful turkey dinner with all the fixins. There were people of all ages that help with the dinner. The Youth group served drinks and cleared off the tables. There were volunteers from other churches that help serve and clean up. The cub scouts also came and help clean and put up chairs and tables.  There were numerous clients from the food bank received the meal for free or whatever they were able to donate. The diner cleared $1630.46 after expenses which will go to missions. The Scholarship silent auction made $1965.00. These funds will go to scholarship committee and will be disbursed to college students in our church. 

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