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The Love We Give

SHADY GROVE - Southeastern - Holston - Clinch Mountain (Holston)
8/9/2023 views(210)

Since arriving at Shady Grove a little over a year ago now, it may be easy to forget that just a year earlier we were still navigating the aftermath and fallout of a global pandemic. I am not sure what Shady Grove was like throughout COVID, or how they navigated all it's trials and tribulations, but the more I reflect on my arrival to the parish, I find I am certain that they are likely still adjusting to this new post-pandemic world. It has felt as though my ministry there has served in some ways as a restart, not only as they continue to discern the liminal space they have grown accustomed to, but also as I discern my own liminal experiences in my first full-time appointment. One might wonder if there is anything positive to glean from the combination of these circumstances, but if any remain doubtful, I would tell them they just have to be there to see. 

I have found there is a strange blessing when wandering pilgrims come together to share a liminal or transitional space. One thing I was often warned about both in Seminary and through my limited pastoral experience was the dangers of an aging congregation who only looks backward to the past, the things they accomplished, or who they were. I have been pleasantly surprised and blessed that this is not the case at Shady Grove. They may be an older congregation, but their passion for discipleship, fellowship, and hospitality makes them young in heart. They have been most gracious with my inexperience, and that in return has made them willing to try new things on my behalf, mostly as I come to grips with this vocation. This alone has made a liminal experience feel far different from a season of transition, and something more akin to an exciting adventure.

This is all to say that what works in our church is the love we give each other, and to anyone who finds themselves wandering through our doors. As our weekly attendance continues to grow at a small and sustainable rate, we find ourselves blessed to be a blessing in a season of building and equipping. My hope as I look out to the rest of the year is that we begin to consider and discern how we might find ourselves taking this same energy out into the community, but I am not in a hurry with this. Patience has proven virtuous, and has served me very well in this appointment so far. Regardless of my personal aspirations and goals for the congregation, I will wait for the Spirit to move, and for God to speak, and for Christ to witness his presence in our midst to show us who we are to be, where we are to go, and what we are to do. 

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