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Celebrating the Saints

CRAWFORD - South Central - Central Texas - Central (CTX)
6/26/2012 views(192)

This week we lost a saint in our church family.  She has been away at a nursing care facility for several years--more than four.  Her family is not from this area, but they know how she loved the Crawford church.  We planned a graveside service at their request, but because of the heat and all they wanted to include--six hymns--we decided to do it in the church.  But we kept the hymns accapella.  They wanted to keep the service a country service as Billie loved her farm and her cows.  Many commented on how special the music was and that Billie would have loved hearing the service.  The family was very comforted by this and the wonderful comments that were made regarding their loved one.  They left Crawford joyous, and knew that God had ministered to them through the people of this church and this celebratory event. 

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