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Growth and Study

TAYLOR TENTH STREET - South Central - Central Texas - South (CTX)
7/3/2012 views(192)

At Tenth Street UMC in Taylor, we are having an exciting bible Study taught by the pastor, one of our layspeakers, and the music director on the history of the Bible. We are studying the history of the English Bible, the canonization process, looking at different translations and how to use various Bible study aids. Twelve people, including three new members and two prospective members are attending. We are having a great time of study and fellowship. Tenth Street has received eight new members so far this year, and a young couple new to the community( He is a local high school principal and she is a teacher ) are visiting regularly and praying about joining us. The pastor has been invited to present his dramatic monologue on Martin Luther at Emmanuel Lutheran Church outside of Taylor on sunday afternoon July 15 at 2:00 p.m. The event is being heavily advertised locally and is open to the community. there will be an ice cream social afterwards.A number of churches of different denominations and some unchurched people will be gathering to fellowship and learn more about our Reformation heritage. We are excited about how God is working in the heat of a Texas summer ! Far from being a " down time " this is an active and growing time.

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