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Prayer Blankets and Free Lunch

Vineland - Western - Mountain Sky - Trinity (MTSY)
7/17/2012 views(192)

In response to the need in our area, Vineland UMC has started offering a free lunch for anyone in the community, once a month on a Saturday.  The lunch is held at the church fellowship hall.  About 17 people gathered this past Saturday for lunch.  People seemed to enjoy the fellowship and feel welcome.  Earlier in the summer, we raised money to put on the lunches through a food booth we ran at the car show at the Pueblo Fair Grounds.

Vineland UMC regularly gives out prayer blankets which have been prayed over by the congregation for a specific situation.  The week of July 15, we gave out 4 blankets; 2 went to couples not from the congregation but from the community that came to our free Saturday lunch. 

The previous week, we had prayed over a blanket that was going to a man who'd been in a serious horse accident and was hospitalized in a coma on life support, showing no signs of brain activity.  When a member took the blanket to him, she asked to lay it over his feet.  The group there prayed the Lord's Prayer.  When the blanket was lifted, the man wiggled his toes, the first signs of life since the accident!  A couple days later, when no brain activity was detected, the doctors turned off the life-support machines.  Immediatley, the man opened his eyes and his internal bodily systems began to normalize.  What a testimony to the power of God's healing and prayer!

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