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Family Movie Night

Salem UMC Rocky Face - Southeastern - North Georgia - North West (NGA)
8/29/2014 views(2337)

Salem held its first ever Family Movie Night Friday, Aug. 22. We had pizza and other refreshments beforehand in the fellowship hall, then got "The Cross and the Switchblade" underway around 7:45. For those who have not seen this movie about the beginning of Pastor David Wilkerson's ministry in New York City, it is very evangelistic at the end, culminating in the salvation experience of notorious gang member Nicky Cruz.

After the movie, Pastor Mark Millican gave a brief evangelistic message and five boys from Mountain Top Group Home prayed to receive Christ. We are checking with the staff about getting the boys baptized.

The church fasted from food and/or other items (for those who are diabetic or must take meds with food) for one day just before the event, and we also enlisted the prayer support of other congregations and had the prayer request mentioned on radio in the region. We had 53 total people in attendance, which is sometimes twice as many as we have in a Sunday worship service. To God be the glory!

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