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Garden Ministry benefits Well Project In Mozambique

COUNTRY CLUB - South Central - Missouri - Northwest (MO)
10/13/2014 views(2185)

Our garden ministry is still producing food that is bountiful.  All summer into the fall we have a weekly harvest of food that we've taken to food pantries in Kansas City and also been able to share with persons in the congregation and community.  Any proceeds received is being turned around, and instead of reinvesting into the garden, we are applying thm to a water well project in Barrane, Mozambique (our sister church).  Ths congregation and community are developing a heightened awareness of the need for food and water, locally and gloally, and realzng that as we are able to provide the basics,  other opportunities for God's grace become available.  Our lives are being transformed as we seek to meet the needs of others.  This gives an even deeper meanng to the "Change for Change" fundraiser our kiddos are doing this month for the water project.


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