Call to Action is working. Vital Congregations and the related work of knowing the vital activities and recording them, these things are having a positive impact. As people are thinking more and deeper about the highly likley implications of not acting, and are doing what thye can to make a difference now and into the future we are becoming more alive in the mission of making disciples. We see that mission in two forms, our own growth in our discipleship walk and in each small group helping that growth with worshipful work and with each small groups seeing themselves as a doorway into our church, into the Body of Christ. We are speaking to these things in each setting within the church as we are able and we have posted a very large bulletin board with all the numbers and the totals per week and people are looking, asking, getting involved. We keep stressing this is not about numbers, "the numbers" are us and our neighbors in new and or growing relationship to Jesus Christ.
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