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Reports Community Resources

"Dine In Elegance"

Phoebus UMC - Southeastern - Virginia - York River (VA)
1/28/2013 views(1632)

We are preparing for our Third Annual "Dine In Elegance" dinner and entertainment on Feb. 15 and 16.  The spirit of cooperation among all our congregation is phenomenal.  Many members help by preparing the dinner, setting the tables with their own china, crystal, silver and elegant themes.  Publicity has gone out.  Reservations are coming in.  The choir is preparing entertainment with a love theme.  Our Fellowship Hall lends itself to a very intimate atmosphere with chandeliers and candlelight.  This is one fundraiser that enables us to give to missions of many kinds and we are so grateful that God has given us willing and talented persons to present this to the community.  

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