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Snack-Pack Ministry

10/2/2013 views(205)

A ministry that began last year as a simple effort to provide at-risk children in Headstart with a minimum of food over the weekend (2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 drinks, and 3 snacks) has just exploded! The Holy Spirit motivated the beginning and is giving the growth. From 29 children in Headstart being served last year we have been blessed with the opportunity to move into the 1st grade and the combined program is now serving 113 children a week. This was a major step of faith for the congregation and respresents almost $2K per month of un-budgeted expense. However, as one member said, "If it's for the children then we just have to do it!" So, the congregation stepped up; the finance committee incorporated $500 a month into the new budget to assist the effort; the missions committee organized a "Fifth Sunday" extra-mile mission that will run all year; and a local grocery story is selling pre-packed snack-packs at the checkout for customers to purchase -- The end result is 113 smiling faces every Friday afternoon.

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