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It Started in a Moment

ZZZ - Attica United Methodist Church - South Central - Great Plains Conference - Wichita West (GP)
3/4/2014 views(198)

On Feb. 16, one woman shared aftre worship that it was on her heart to do something for a parishioner who's been fighting cancer for 2 years. Three women from the church and three women from the community met the following Tuesday and planned a soup dinner and white elephant auction.  The date was set for March 9, but had to be changed to March 2, a mere two weeks away.  Plans to make chili and chicken noodle soup were in place at the first meeting. Flyers were put up all over town and in two neighboring towns. People were invited to bring "white elephant" items for the auction. Sunday, two weeks later, it was sleeting and snowing when we awoke.  Several folks got to the Memorial Building at 9 a.m. to start heating the soup. People started arriving at 11. We started serving at 11:15 and had people coming to eat until 2 p.m.  The auction began at noon. By the end of the event, $9000 had been raised! We discovered another $1000 was donated directly to the bank. There's also money being raised by T-shirt sales. Last count was $13000!  This was an incredible event that happened because one quiet woman spoke up and others helped pull it off in two short weeks.

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