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Reports Community Resources

12/23 - (Post Newtown)

Canaan United Methodist Church - Northeastern - New York - Connecticut (NY)
1/2/2013 views(1497)

The week before (12/16) pastor had asked parishioners to come to church ready to say something in worship about where they were this Advent, how God seemed to be moving (or not) in their hearts and lives.  The first person to speak, someone who comes occasionally because she has to work on most Sunday mornings, asked how she could pray to a God that would let things like the Newtown shooting happen.  Before the pastor could respond, someone else jumped up and reflected on where she was this Advent.  And then a few more stood up and shared where they were this Advent and their response to God and Newtown. The pastor then closed the reflection time with prayer, including prayer for God's light in the wake of tragedies that hit really close to home.

It was a very different kind of service for this crowd, but it seemed powerful and honest and faithful.

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