Our stewardship campaign has a baseball theme and is entitled "Stepping Up to the Plate." The pastors and staff wear red baseball jersies with FUMCC [First United Methodist Church of Colleyville] emblazoned on the front..The senior pastor wears a baseball uniform each Sunday,. The praise band wears red and white t-shirts with "First UMC Colleyville" on the front. Our bulletin looks like a baseball program and we have other basebal decor outside the sancutary. Our first sermon, last week was on the importance of being active in the game and not a spectator. This week, we talked about sacrifice. The choir surprised everyone with by singing "Put Me In Coach" as a benediction. People are enjoying the series and Suynday morning we celebrated a young couple who joined -- the wife by profession of faith. Next Sunday is Team Jersey day. Everyomne is encouraged to wear the t-shirt or jersey of their favorite sports team. Our sermon topic that day will be "Coming Home."
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